How many languages you know — that many times you are a person. Скільки мов ти знаєш-стільки разів ти людина. A different language is a different vision of life.Інша мова - це інше бачення життя (Фредеріко Фелліні). Who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.Хто не знає іноземних мов, нічого не знає і про свою власну (Гете). To have another language is to possess a second soul.Володіти іншою мовою - це як мати другу душу. (Карл Великий).

Музична пауза «Ukrainaian Music Club. Music art of Ukraine»

Over the centuries the Ukrainian people have created music. Music art of Ukraine is very rich, it reflects our life, our ideas and emotions. In their folk songs the Ukrainian people showed their heroic past connected with the defence of the Motherland , the struggle for national freedom.

Bandura, kobza and sopilka are national musical instruments which are often played at Ukrainian festivities. Now Ukraine has 6 opera houses, 3 operettas, 10 state philarmonic societies, dozen of folk choirs, 5 higher music schools.

Ukraine actively participates in the world’s cultural progress. The Ukrainian orchestras, folk-music performers, pop and opera singers visited different countries every year and are warmly received abroad. 

Ukrainian national anthem live at the Royal Albert Hall | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Zlata Ognevich - Pray For Ukraine

Unbelievably beautiful music on Ukraine’s got talent

 Ukrainian Fantasy - Maksim Popichuk - Ukrainian Traditional Instrumental Music

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