How many languages you know — that many times you are a person. Скільки мов ти знаєш-стільки разів ти людина. A different language is a different vision of life.Інша мова - це інше бачення життя (Фредеріко Фелліні). Who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.Хто не знає іноземних мов, нічого не знає і про свою власну (Гете). To have another language is to possess a second soul.Володіти іншою мовою - це як мати другу душу. (Карл Великий).

Дієти та вегетаріанство. Переваги та недоліки

 Перейдіть за посиланням, перегляньте навчальне відео:

A healthy diet, a healthier world


What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating

Is Veganism Healthy or Harmful?

Завдання: написати переклад тексту українською мовою, нові слова виписати в словник і вивчити:

Vegetarianism in our time is very popular. Vegetarians are people who refuse food of animal origin. These are dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. Vegetarians prefer to eat plant foods of vegetable origin: vegetables and fruits. People who lead this way of life believe that they will live longer and will be healthier. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and nutrients. But the body also needs protein, fats and carbohydrates, which are found in meat, milk and fish. Doctors do not advise eating this way, as it can provoke serious diseases. 

For someone, vegetarianism is a diet. Many women often use it to have a beautiful and slender figure. For sportsmen, for example, this way of life does not fit. They need to eat a lot of protein foods and calcium, so that their muscle mass increases. Many people consider vegetarianism to be dangerous for health, because the body does not receive all the necessary vitamins and elements.

We all have our own opinion and the right to choose. To feel good, you need to exercise every day and eat right. Everyone chooses what is best for him. 


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