How many languages you know — that many times you are a person. Скільки мов ти знаєш-стільки разів ти людина. A different language is a different vision of life.Інша мова - це інше бачення життя (Фредеріко Фелліні). Who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.Хто не знає іноземних мов, нічого не знає і про свою власну (Гете). To have another language is to possess a second soul.Володіти іншою мовою - це як мати другу душу. (Карл Великий).

Державні свята і традиції

  Шановні учні!

Опрацьовуємо теоретичні матеріали з теми

"Державні свята і традиції"

 та виконуємо практичне завдання


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Holidays and Special Events

Прочитайте, випишіть в зошити визначення, що таке "holiday"

A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities, especially business or work including school, are suspended or reduced. Generally, holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition of cultural or religious significance. Holidays may be designated by governments, religious institutions, or other groups or organizations. A special event is an in-game festival of an in-game holiday, although they tend to closely follow some real world celebration. These events are commemorated with special fete-related drops and/or activities, including mini games, festival quests, and decorations of towns.

Завдання: прочитаєте текст, дайте відповіді на питання (в зошит!)


There are 8 national holidays which are celebrated in Ukraine every year.

New Year’s Day (January 1). On this holiday people decorate New Year Tree with toys and colourful lights. The most common way of celebration is New Year parties. People have fun. When the clock strikes 12, they say to each other "Happy New Year!"

Christmas (January 7). Unlike the New Year with fun, firework and big celebration, it is a religious holiday.

Women's Day (March 8). It is a good occasion for men to demonstrate their love and sympathy to the women around them. It is widely celebrated. It’s the day of mothers, grandmothers, sisters, sweet-hearts — of all the women.

Easter. The holiday of celebrating Christ Resurrection. The Easter egg is the most popular emblem of this holiday.

Victory Day (May 9). On May 9, 1945 people got the victory over the fascist Germany. On this day the veterans of war are congratulated, honoured and given flowers. Military parades and fireworks are typical of this holiday Constitution Day (June 28). This holiday commemorates the adoption of Ukrainian constitution in 1996.

Independence Day (August 24). This holiday is dedicated to the important event: Ukraine’s independence was proclaimed by the Ukrainian Parliament on August 24,1991.

Army Day (December 6). It is a holiday of the men, who served in the Ukrainian Military Forces.

 Дайте відповіді на питання (в зошит!):

1. When do Ukrainian people celebrate the Independence Day?

2. Why is this holiday celebrated on this day?

3. What other public holidays in Ukraine do you know?

4. What holidays do you like, but they are not public ones?

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